
Metal is the ideal packaging for vitamins

Carlo Rodrigo Borges, Business Development Manager, Trivium Packaging

The vitamins and supplements market is booming. A 2022 European survey by Ipsos found that in 14 EU member states almost 9 in 10 European consumers had taken food supplements in their lives and 93% had done so in the last 12 months. As a result, the Europe nutrition and supplements market size was valued at USD 61.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% from 2022 to 2030.

As Europe’s population has become more aware of health and fitness, consumers have been increasingly adopting nutritional supplementation to achieve their dietary and wellness goals. The demand for natural and organic products has grown, alongside the demand for plant-based products and functional foods, owing to the rapidly ageing population.

The push to go green

As a growing sector, there is potential for vitamins and supplements to contribute to consumers’ and brands’ increasing focus on sustainability.

The drive to eliminate wasteful packaging, especially single-use plastic, is well documented.

Brands are under pressure to amplify and fulfil their ESG credentials. In addition to a brand’s own sustainability goals and initiatives, legislation is forcing a shift with a host of sustainability-focused legislation throughout Europe already and likely more to come.

Consumers are also driving pressure on brands to offer more sustainable packaging as they increasingly turn away from single-use plastics and look for more sustainable options. The 2023 Buying Green Report shows that 71% of consumers have chosen a product in the last six months based on its sustainability and credentials and 63% of consumers are “less likely” to buy products in harmful packaging. In addition, 90% of consumers among younger generations (18-24 years old) showed a willingness to pay more for products in sustainable packaging. In

Europe, 60% of respondents considered plastic to be harmful and related plastic to ocean pollution. With 51% of consumers in this region saying they won’t buy products in packaging harmful to the environment, there is a significant opportunity for brands to tap into a wave of consciousness around sustainability.

Metal: a sustainable solution

If you look at vitamins and supplements on shelves in stores today – you’ll see a plethora of plastic containers, and it can be hard to differentiate one brand from the next. Even those containers that are recyclable may not be recycled. Currently, in Europe, only 14% of plastic is recycled. Recyclability depends on multiple considerations including the make-up of the material, whether it has a label, the availability and capabilities of local recycling facilities and, of course, consumer behaviour. The use of metal in packaging minimizes these variables – metal makes it easy to recycle without limits allowing recycling facilities to process it without difficulty. The only variable left is consumer behaviour.

Metal can be easily recycled over and over without degradation. As such, metal is infinitely recyclable, and its true circularity gives it a unique role in helping to protect the planet for generations to come. In fact, 75% of aluminium that’s ever been produced is still in use today. While companies may opt to use glass, the only other infinitely recyclable material, metal has some advantages over glass as it is lighter to transport and more durable for both transit and consumer use. Metal also requires less energy than glass to recycle. In addition, metal packaging allows printing directly onto the bottle, while glass and plastic need adhesive labels which often cannot be recycled by local councils.

As the Protect, Promote, Preserve report explains, choosing the right packaging for a brand’s products is a decision that brands will often dedicate considerable time. Optimal packaging, in terms of format, size, and material can help maintain product integrity and enhance the customer experience. Selecting the right type of packaging is particularly important for products being consumed, which require exceptional protection to reduce the risk of damage and food waste during storage, handling, and consumption. This is why many brands are turning to metal which offers superior levels of robustness and durability relative to alternatives on the market. Metal ensures that oxygen, damaging UV light, and moisture cannot permeate its contents – an important consideration to keep products safe for consumption.

Alongside protecting and preserving their products, metal packaging can be an extremely effective brand tool. Metal packaging provides greater and more sustainable opportunities for brands looking to differentiate their product offerings. By printing directly onto the packaging, brands can use the entire surface area and make use of advanced graphics and prominent colours on their cans and bottles without sacrificing packaging functionality and/or recyclability all without the inclusion of unrecyclable labels. Research suggests that one-third of consumer purchasing choices are based on packaging alone, so the opportunities for brand creativity can be a game-changer for brand growth. Metal printing also does not compromise product safety because of the impermeability of metal, and because the inks used are fully compliant with strict food safety regulations. The metal container itself can also be adapted for numerous different shapes and sizes of containers offering huge versatility. With so many choices, packaging producers can collaborate with their customers and help guide them to the right solution which can be tailored to their audience and brand image.

The vitamins and supplements sector continues to grow, and as the sector grows so does its impact on the environment. Improving sustainability is not just about checking boxes but also about attracting customers and improving the bottom line in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Consumers are taking note of the sustainability of metal packaging and making purchasing decisions based on sustainability, however, consumers continue to remain drawn in by packaging’s presentations and aesthetics. Metal offers a sustainable solution that meets consumers’ needs with a premium look and feel while providing the vital protection needed for the contents inside. Brands that invest – time and money – in the switch to metal packaging now are set up to benefit in the long term.

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